If the Receiver is disconnected for any reason, the following
message is displayed:
5. When the logger joins the network, the Logger icon
will automatically appear in the Map View.
a. The symbol indicates the signal strength of the
logger in the network.
b. The symbol indicates that the logger is running
from internal battery supply. The symbol indicates
that the logger is running from external power supply.
c. The symbol indicates that the logger is a new
addition to the network and has not yet been
configured (setup).
6. Repeat steps 1-3 for every logger in your system.
7. In order to find the physical location of the logger you can
right-click on the Logger icon in Map View and select
Unit (Beep)
. The logger will then
Connecting Mini DataNet
Loggers and Mini Repeater to
the Network
The Mini DataNet loggers (DNL804, DNL808, and DNL810)
and Mini Repeater (DNR800) don’t have LCD screens
therefore the process of joining these units to the network
differs than that of the DataNet models with LCD.
Fourier Systems
No Receiver