Chapter 5:
Updating DataNet
Software and Firmware
The release of DataNet v1.2 supports automatic software and
firmware update whenever DataNet is launched, as long as
the PC is connected to the Internet. The update process is
managed by Fourier’s new
client. This client checks
for updated software and firmware files located on the Fourier
server, and if any have been detected they are downloaded
and updated on the user’s PC. The user can also have
DataNet automatically update the network units’ firmware or
can choose to do so manually.
A major benefit of the DataNet system is that units’ firmware is
over the air
from the DataNet software, so that the
DataNet user does not have to ship any units back to the
factory for upgrading. Without moving one deployed unit out of
position in the network, the user can send a new firmware file
wirelessly to all of the data logger end units and Repeaters.
The Receiver firmware is updated via the USB cable.
In addition to automatic firmware update, the user can also
manually update the firmware via the DataNet Firmware
Update Center or from the logger/Repeater icon in Map View.
Refer to the relevant sections in this chapter for more details.
Using the Uptodata Client
Use the Uptodata client to perform automatic checks for
updated DataNet software and firmware versions, including
updated versions of the DataNet user guide. Once