To search for files which are actually older than those
on the PC, click
Reset update date
so that the update client
will delete all records of previous updates on that PC.
4. To proceed with the software and firmware update, click
button. DataNet will be shutdown and the files
will be downloaded from the Fourier server.
a. If you don’t want the DataNet units’ firmware to be
automatically updated once the software starts up
again (depending on the number of units deployed,
this can take some time), unselect the
Auto firmware
update on startup checkbox
. You can always
manually update the firmware later by using the
Firmware Update Center. Refer to section
5.2 for
more details.
b. Select the
Create backup copy for old components
checkbox in order to create a backup folder
containing all the components of the previous
software version which will be updated. The backed
up files are located in a folder in the default DataNet
directory, with the time stamp of when the update was