Technical Description
FläktGroup DC-2014-0022-GB 2018-05/R5 • Subject to modifications
Various unit parts indicated in fig. 2-1 are specified in detail below.
Basic casing (incl. assembly mountings) (pos. 1)
The basic casing consists of a single-form panel design made of galvanized sheet
steel with external insulation made of PE. The assembly mountings are for the ceiling
assembly of the unit and are a component of the basic casing.
Fan chamber (optional)* (pos. 2)
The fan chamber consists of a single-form panel design made of galvanized sheet
steel (optionally with inside insulation with a glass-fiber laminated mineral wool).
*) Without fan chamber VDI 6022 certification is not applicable!
Heat exchanger: Cu/Al (pos. 3)
The heat exchanger for chilled and warm water has connecting spigots with internal
thread as well as air vents and drain valves. Depending on the unit application, the heat
exchanger is equipped with two connecting spigots (water inlet and outlet in a 2-pipe
system) or with four connecting spigots (water inlet and outlet in a 4-pipe system).
Fan (pos. 4)
The fan consists of one or two centrifugal fans fitted with AC or EC motors. The cen-
trifugal fans are equipped with low-noise, maintenance-free sleeve bearings for AC
motors and ball bearings for EC motors. The continuously variable EC motor is
equipped with integrated control electronics and blockage protection.
Protection class IP20 and insulation class F.
Bottom basic casing cover (instead of condensate tray Pos. 6, for heating-only
units) (pos. 5)
For heating-only units bottom basic casing cover is mounted instead of condensate
tray Pos. 6.
Condensate tray (optional) (pos. 6)
In the HyPower-Geko, the condensate tray is for the collection of the condensation
water forming at the heat exchanger.
Auxiliary condensate tray (only for unit type U - GH##.U###.#####) (pos. 7)
Additional condensate tray for the collection of condensation water from the control
valves and shut-off instruments.
Condensate pump (optional) (pos. 8)
The condensate pump is used to forward forming condensate into higher located col-
lection vessels, if a free drain is not possible.
Service panel (pos. 9)
The service panel provides easy access to the unit's internal components.
Cover for heat exchanger and condensate drain (pos. 10)
The protective cover is made if galvanized metal sheet (without insulation).
Heat exchanger cover (only for unit type H - GH##.H###.#####) (pos. 11)
Heat exchanger cover is made of galvanized metal sheet (without insulation) and is
only used for unit type H.
Filter (pos. 12)
The filter consists of a filter hose with a clip-on frame and plastic clamping rail.
Electric switch cabinet (optional) (pos. 13)
Depending on the version, the switch box made of plastic or galvanized sheet steel
– One or more printed circuit board(s)
– terminal block(s).