USA (Corporate Headquarters)
Europe/Middle East/Asia
The Systems page lists all added systems, along with their serial number, IP address/hostname, connection status,
license type, MAC address, subscription information, version information, status (such as, Normal, Alarm, or
Motion), and days of recorded video.
To display or remove a column on the Systems page, right-click any column header and select the column
from the pop-up menu.
The following actions can be performed on the Systems page:
To connect to or disconnect a system, right-click its connection status and select a Connect option or
Disconnect from the pop-up menu. To connect to or disconnect multiple consecutive systems
simultaneously, click on the connection status for the first system, and then press Shift while you drag the
cursor up or down (and then right-click).
To view the System Information page for a system, double-click the information listed in any column for
that system.
To view model number and serial number information for a system, right-click the system name.
To view a MAC address and license key for a system and copy it to the clipboard, right-click its information
in the License, MAC Address, or Subscription column for that system and select Copy to Clipboard (select
the right arrow if necessary to see that option). You can then paste the information into an email or other
To update a license key for a system, right-click its information in the License column, select Update, and
select one of the options. If you select Update the License from File, you can browse to a .KEY file that
contains license information and click Open. If you select Update the License from Text, you can type the
license key manually and click OK.
Alternatively, you can click Import Licenses at the bottom of the page to enter multiple licenses from a .CSV
file, or click Export Licenses to compile all listed licenses into a .CSV file to import into another client.
To view additional version information for a system, right-click the information in the Version column for
that system.
To view additional information about Alarm or Motion status, hover the mouse pointer over the word
while it appears in the Status column.