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exacqVision Software Overview
Client/Server Architecture
exacqVision software is based on a client/server architecture in which every computer is a client, server, or
client/server combination. These configurations are defined as follows:
A client computer provides access to a remote service on another computer over a TCP/IP network. The
exacqVision Client software is a thick client, and the web browser is a thin client.
A server computer provides services to client computers over the TCP/IP network. An exacqVision server
receives and stores video from cameras; provides audio, video, and data as requested by thick clients; and
hosts a web server (if enabled) for thin clients. The exacqVision Server software does not have a graphical
user interface; only the client software allows interaction. A server can serve multiple simultaneous client
connections, within hardware limitations.
A client/server combination simultaneously operates client and server software. A loopback TCP/IP
address of “localhost” ( allows the client software to communicate with the server software on
the same computer. exacqVision servers are configured at the factory as a client/server combination to
provide a convenient initial configuration experience.