USA (Corporate Headquarters)
Europe/Middle East/Asia
Logging In
All exacqVision servers are shipped with two operating system accounts:
Password: admin256
Privileges: computer administrator
Password: user5710
Privileges: restricted user
Exacq recommends that the default passwords be changed by the operator and written and secured to
prevent unauthorized access or modifications to the system. As part of the initial exacqVision System
configuration, Exacq recommends that the operator configure a new user on the exacqVision Server with
restricted privileges and change the exacqVision Client settings in the user operating system account to connect to
the local exacqVision Server via this user. See the Users section of this manual or the context-sensitive online help
file for instructions on creating a new exacqVision user.
When exacqVision servers start, they immediately start the exacqVision service, boot into the user account, and
start the exacqVision Client software. Server log-in is not required to start video recording or communication with
client PCs. All third-party servers start the exacqVision service on startup, but user accounts and automatic login
must be manually configured.
The user account functionality is limited to using the exacqVision client software for maximum reliability. All server
maintenance tasks (such as shutting down the exacqVision service) that are not performed within the exacqVision
Client require logging into the operating system’s administrator account.
Each operating system user account maintains separate settings for its exacqVision Client. These settings include
usernames, passwords, and network addresses required for exacqVision Clients to access exacqVision Servers. By
default, both the
operating system accounts have settings that provide administrator access to the
instance of exacqVision Server running on the local computer, which is always via the
( IP
Exacq recommends that all servers be configured with one system administrator account with Remote Desktop
(Windows) or SSH (Linux) remote access for system support.
The exacqVision Server can be accessed from multiple exacqVision Clients, which can be running from the same
computer as exacqVision Server or from remotely networked computers. The exacqVision Server has been
preconfigured with one user.