EVDRIVE04 | User manual ver. 1.1 | Code 144EPD4I114
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Stand-by and operation mode selection
At the end of the resynchronization operations the machine will enter the stand-by state, during which the installer
parameters are loaded and configurations are checked.
In this status can be modified the installer parameters, that take effect immediatly, and also the manufacturer
parameters, that require a reset.
If there are no configuration errors, represented in the Alarm status (parameter AlSt) and Configuration warning
(parameter CoWa), the valve can be enabled.
The operation mode is set using Main control type (Pr01), and when the valve is enabled:
if PR01 = 0
the system remains held in the Stand-by on (11)
if PR01 = 6 or 8
start SH or HGB algorithm or manual mode, according to functioning mode (Pr02)
analog positioner (30) operation mode begins
Please note regardless of the state of the enabled valve, disabling it will cause a positioning procedure using the value
specified in stand-by position (parameter Pr20), after which the state is changed to Stand-by off (10).
Enabling EVDRIVE04
Excluding the automatic movements, it is necessary to enable the valve module EVDRIVE04 before moving it.
Enabling mode (parameter Pr06) configures the enabled features to be accepted.
When the valve module is to be used in standalone mode, an enable from digital input mode must be chosen
(parameter Pr06 = 0 or Pr06 =1).
The selection must be made based on the type of input to be used.
A typical application of the DIHV (parameter Pr06 = 1) mode is to connect it in parallel to the compressor, such that
the valve is enabled along with it.
To enable the valve using digital inputs, it is necessary for these to be configured correctly, otherwise a configuration
alarm will be generated.
In particular:
If Pr06 = 0:
the DI1 or D12 input must be configured as enable > Ph11 = 1 or Ph21 = 1
If Pr06 = 1:
the DIHV input must be configured as enable
> Ph31 = 1
Selecting the values from 2 to 9 the valve can be enabled via serial port using MODBUS or CAN communication
protocols: this selection must be made if a controller manages the EVDRIVE04.
Selecting values from 6 to 9, it is possible to operate the EVDRIVE04 in standalone mode if a communications fault
occurs, in this case the DI1 or DI2 inputs must be configured as enable (parameter Ph11 = 1 or Ph21 = 1).
The enabling of the valve using a communication network requires system which ensures the EVDRIVE04 can
determine whether the controller is still online: specifically, the module expects the controller updates the variable
Enable valve command (parameter EnaV) periodically. See the paragraph “Communication error”
The Enable valve command (parameter EnaV) has different addresses according to the communication system chosen:
CAN (Pr06 = 2 or Pr06 = 6)
MODBUS RS-485 (Pr06 = 4 or Pr06 = 8): EnaV address = 1281