EVDRIVE04 | User manual ver. 1.1 | Code 144EPD4I114
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Analog inputs
The configuration of each analog inputs is achieved by setting the related parameter:
Aix probe type
) determines
the kind of probe connected to the analog input and
Aix probe usage
) determines the use of the analog input,
where "
" is the input number.
The analog inputs AI3 and AI4 are dedicated to the measurement of the suction temperature Ts and evaporator
pressure Pe. The inputs AI1 and AI2 can be used as backup probe, or left free.
During the
Stand-by off
(10) is performed the verify to correctness and consistency of these parameters: a
configuration error will prevent exiting this state. In this case an alarm is generated (bit 1 of
Alarm status
(AlSt)), and
an error code in
Configuration warning
(CoWa) is readable.
The input type is set using parameter
Aix probe type
). The analog inputs must be configured according to the
probe connected:
AI1 and AI3 may be configured as NTC, Pt1000 or 0/4÷20 mA.
AI2 may be configured as NTC, Pt1000, 0/4÷20 mA or ratiometric 0÷5V.
AI4 may be configured as 0/4÷20 mA, 0÷10V or ratiometric 0÷5V.
Therefore, the temperature probe measuring the suction temperature (Ts), necessary for calculating the Superheat,
must be connected to one of the three analog inputs AI1, AI2 or AI3, while the pressure probe for measuring the
evaporation pressure may be connected to any of the four analog inputs. If the analog input is used for measuring
pressure, this parameter also defines the conversion range.
Aix probe usage
) parameter defines the use of the analog input: primary or backup probe for measuring
temperature or pressure.
For example:
if Pia4 = 11 the input will be configured as 4÷20 mA the pressure reading will be transformed into 0.5÷8 Barg
Each of the analog inputs may be configured as “scaling” (Piax = 30), this means its settings will be determined by
PxXty: type of input (0÷20 mA, 4÷20 mA for AI1, AI2 and AI3, 0÷20mA, 4÷20 mA, 0÷5V or 0÷10V for AI4)
PxYty: type of output (BarA or Barg)
PxXM: maximum input value (e.g. 15 mA, 20 mA, 5V, 10V, …)
PxXm: minimum input value (e.g. 0 mA, …, 10mA, 0V, 3V, …)
PxYM: maximum output conversion value
PxXm: minimum output conversion value
PxYM and PxXm parameters are expressed in the units of the chosen measurement. E.g., if the input is configured as a
pressure probe and the measurement unit is in Bar, these parameters should contain the minimum and maximum
values hundredths of BarA or Barg according to PxYty.
Pe [BarA]
I [mA]
4.00 20.00