EVDRIVE04 | User manual ver. 4.1 | Code 144EPDE114
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Power failure and backup battery error
The EVDRIVE04 supports connection to a backup battery in order to allow a complete closure of the valve in the case
of power supply failure.
There are two alarms: one for the power supply failure (bit 8), the other for a malfunction of the backup battery (bit 9).
Clearly, both these alarms make sense only if a backup battery is present (parameter Backup battery (Pb01 = 1).
The backup battery alarm also requires the configuration of DI2 (DI2 logic (PH20) and DI2 function (PH21)).
Note that the backup battery alarm only signalize the malfunction of the battery.
However, if the power fail alarm occurs, in addition to reporting, a valve safety shutdown procedure is started.
Once the alarm is cleared, the system is reset.
An alternative to the backup battery, a solenoid valve connected to the relay may be used to block the flow of the
Algorithm status
Bit 10 of Alarm status (AlSt) is raised if the measures needed by the algorithm are not valid or for SuperHeat
algorithm alarms and warmings (LOP, MOP, LoSH, HiSH, LowPressure).
This monitoring is in effect only while the system is working in SH-algorithm and in manual mode.
The Algorithm status (AlgS) variable holds the specific state that generated the alarm, according to this table:
Algorithm status
Value 0
Value 1
bit 0
Measures acquired
Data not read (Alarm status.b10 0
bit 1
algorithm is running
control algorithm halted
bit 2
algorithm is active
algorithm is skipped (manual mode is active)
bit 3
No LoSH algorithm is running
LoSH algorithm is running
bit 4
No LoSH alarm
LoSH alarm (Alarm status.b10 0 > 1)
bit 5
No HiSH algorithm is running
HiSH algorithm is running
bit 6
No HiSH alarm
HiSH alarm (Alarm status.b10 0 > 1)
bit 7
No LOP algorithm is running
LOP algorithm is running
bit 8
No LOP alarm
LOP alarm (Alarm status.b10 0 > 1)
bit 9
No MOP algorithm is running
MOP algorithm is running
bit 10
No MOP alarm
MOP alarm (Alarm status.b10 0 > 1)
bit 11
No LowPressure
LowPressure (warning signal only)
bit 12
No LowPressure alarm
LowPressure alarm (Alarm status.b10 0 > 1)
Note that if the manual mode is active, a read error of the measurement data due to incorrect probe configuration only
generates a warning. While, if the control algorithm is running, the inability to read the measurements makes it
impossible for the algorithm to continue, so this triggers a probe alarm.
Bits 0, 1 and 2 of Algorithm status (AlgS) are always calculated, while the other bits, given their dependencies on the
active control algorithm, are only valid while SH-algorithm is running.