EVDRIVE04 | User manual ver. 1.1 | Code 144EPD4I114
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Hot gas bypass algorithm
The purpose of this control is to maintain the temperature at its set-point value.
After selecting the control algorithm, it is necessary to set the various regulation parameters:
Temperature set-point (Pc06, Pp06)
PID proportional band (Pc13, Pp13)
PID integral time (Pc14, Pp14)
PID derivative time (Pc15, Pp15)
Start-up delay (Pc20, Pp20)
Start-up position (Pc21, Pp21)
Neutral zone high threshold (Pr10)
Smart band zone threshold (Pr11)
SH parameters set selection
(Pr04) work in the same way as in SH control algorithm.
The algorithm use different regulation parameters, depending on the working area:
If the measured error is in the
Dead band
no regulation is performed
If the measured error is in the
Smart band threshold
a smart algorithm is used.
Out of this bands the normal algorithm is performed