Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
If version 2.xx is installed: A:\ Setup.exe
[Browse] button
Use this button to open the file open common dialog box and select
the install file. After selecting the install file, the path of the file appears
in the " The path of the install file " edit field.
[OK] button
Use this button to start the install of the file specified in the " The path
of the install file " edit field. If the install file does not exist, a message
appears and the dialog box closes.
[Cancel] button
Use this button to cancel the setting and close the dialog box.
[Help] button
Use this button to display the help on the dialog box by clicking this
To register or delete CCO:
"CCO registration" radio button
To register CCO, select this radio button.
"CCO deletion" radio button
To delete CCO, select this radio button.
This button is disabled if CCO is not installed.
"The path of the install file " edit field
The path to where EPSON OPOS ADK is installed, as well as the
installer file appears in the edit field.
The path displayed:
If the "CCO registration" radio button is selected: (EPSON OPOS
ADK's installed folder)\OposCCOs.exe
If the "CCO deletion" radio button is selected: the path to where CCO
is installed, as well as the Uninstaller file.
Note that EPSON does not provide CCO installer.
Obtain it separately. CCO is available from the website of Microsoft.
[Browse] button
Use this button to open the file open common dialog box and select
the Install or Uninstall file of CCO. After selecting the file, the
information appears in the " The path of the install file " edit field.
[OK] button
Use this button to start the Installer or Uninstaller of the file specified