Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
(3) The “Information” dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box displays information on the settings of the already installed
EPSON OPOS ADK. Confirm the contents of the list and select the [Next]
button if the contents are satisfactory.
Select the [Back] button to return to the previous dialog box.
Select the [Cancel] button for quitting.
From (4) to (11) steps are the same as those described in “3.3.1 First
Installation”. Please refer to "3.3.1 First Installation" of this manual.
(12) The “Question” dialog box is displayed.
Select the [Yes] button for updating to the information of the OPOS ADK
version that coexisted.
Select the [No] button for not updating to the information of the OPOS ADK
version that coexisted