Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
button. Exits installation. Select the [Back] button for returning to the
previous dialog box.
(4) The “Select Registry File” dialog box is displayed.
Select “No Registry File” not to use the REG file. Then, select the [Next]
button. Select “Use Registry File” to use the REG file. Enter the full path
REG file name after the text box is enabled. Then, select the [Next] button.
Press the [Browse...] button to specify the folder name that includes the
REG file. The REG file is a file for restoring information related to EPSON
OPOS ADK. Use the SetupPOS utility to create this file. If an improper
Registry File is selected, an error message will be displayed and it will not
be possible to move to the next dialog box. Follow the directions of the
error message and confirm that the Registry File is correct.When the
Registry File is set correctly, subsequent information can be referred from
the Registry File.
Select the [Back] button for return to the previous dialog box.
Select the [Cancel] button for quitting.