Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
[Cancel] button
Use this button to cancel the settings and close the dialog box.
The modifying setting does not be set to the registry.
[Help] button
Use this button to display the help on the dialog box by clicking this
3. View
Use this menu to control display of the main window.
i. Tool Bar
Use this menu command to hide or display the tool bar.
If the command comes with a check mark
: the tool bar is displayed.
If the command comes with no check mark : the tool bar is hidden.
Once changed, the setting remains effective even when restarting the
system. As the default, the tool bar is displayed.
What is the tool bar?
The tool bar appears below the menu bar of the main window and
contains a list of frequently used menu commands. Clicking a button
easily run a menu command associated with the button.
ii. Status Bar
Use this menu command to hide or display the status bar.
If the command comes with a check mark: the status bar is displayed.
If the command comes with no check mark: the status bar is hidden.
Once changed, the setting remains effective even when restarting the
system. As the default, the status bar is displayed.
What is the status bar?
The status bar displays various information of the main window. For
example, when a menu bar item is displayed, its description appears on
the status bar.
iii. Large Icon
Use this menu command to display items in the right pane in large icons.
It is possible to display information using one of the following menu
commands: [Large Icon], [Small Icon], [List], or [Details]. When selecting