Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
Click the [Finish] button
The window displays the settings of TM-T88IVM.
5.7.2. Removing a Device
Delete a device using one of the following three methods.
In the main window, select the device name key to be deleted (in this case
TM-T88IVM). From the Edit menu, select Delete. When a confirmation
message box appears, select Yes to delete the device.
Select the device name key to be deleted (in this case TM-T88IVM).
Right-click to bring up a pop-up menu and select Delete. When a
confirmation message box appears, select Yes to delete the device.
In the main window, select the key of the device name to be deleted (in this
case TM-T88IVM). Then click the [Delete]
icon on the tool bar. When a
confirmation message box appears, select Yes to delete the device.
5.8. Glossary
INF file
Each model comes with one information file. During installation, the
information files are copied to the same folder where EPSON OPOS
ADK is installed. These files are used to configure devices.
Device Class
In the Device Class view of the main window, device class is the
device type displayed below Device. Device classes used in EPSON
OPOS ADK are as follows:
CashDrawer, HardTotals, Keylock, LineDisplay, MICR, MSR,
CheckScanner, POSPrinter and ElectronicJournal.
For detailed explanations of the devices available, refer to the “OPOS
Registry Usage” section of the "OPOS Appliccation Programmer's
Guide ".
Device Name Key
When a device is added, it appears in the Device Class view of the
main window below device class. If no device is set for the selected
device class, then this information is not displayed.
For example, the device name key of POSPrinter's TM-295 is
Logical Device Name
An another name used to identify a device. Each device can have a
logical device name. However, a logical device name which is already
being used by the same device class cannot be specified. For
example, if a logical device name "Unit1" is already assigned to a
device called TM-295 of POSPrinter, then "Unit1" cannot be used
again as a logical device name for TM-88IV in the same device class
(POSPrinter). Using the logical device names does not need to specify
the device name key directly and so makes application development