Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
If the port setting is "None", then this button is disabled and afterwards interactive
CheckHealth is not executed.
[Device Specific Settings] button
Use this button to display the ”Device Specific Settings” dialog box and change
the device specific settings for the selected device.
If the port setting is "None" or the selected device does not support device
specific settings, then this button becomes dimmed and disabled.
[Back] button
Use this button to go back to the device selection screen.
[Finish] button
Use this button to save the current settings to the registry and close the “Add New
Device” wizard.
[Cancel] button
Use this button to cancel the settings and return to the main window.
[Help] button
Use this button to display the help on the dialog box by clicking this button.