Version 2.65 Jul. 2009
User's Manual
Installer, SetupPOS, TMUSB
OPOS uses the system registry to store and reference device
information. Although it is possible to view the information using the
REGEDIT utility, do not change the SetupPOS program. For details,
refer to the “OPOS Registry Usage” section of the "OPOS Appliccation
Programmer's Guide ".
Input buffer length
It sets the size of the input buffer (unit in bytes; a area in the PC's
memory for temporarily storing input data). Because this preset value
has been optimized, usually it is not necessary to modify it. If this value
is changed smaller than the preset one, the input response may
deteriorate. On the other hand, if the new value is larger than the
preset one, input response for large amount of data input would
improve. Therefore, adjust this value if the input response is bad.
Output buffer length It sets the size of the output buffer (unit in bytes; a area in the PC's
memory for temporarily storing output data). Because this preset value
has been optimized, usually it is not necessary to modify it. If this value
is changed larger than the preset one, data loss may occur. On the
other hand, if the new value is smaller than the preset one, the output
performance may deteriorate. Therefore, unless there is a necessary,
do not change the preset value.
Output Interval Time Time interval for retry in the case output fails. If not even 1 byte is
output for the set time, the Timeout error occurs. While this preset
value has been optimized, modify it (usually by increasing it rather than
decreasing it) if the Timeout error frequently occurs during printing at
your environment. On the other hand, timeout errors which occur when
communication is not possible due to physical problems such as cover
being opened are normal. Change this value for cases where timeout
error occurs during printing even though printing is possible.
Input Sleep Time
During the waiting for input, EPSON OPOS ADK can call Sleep (a
WIN32 API). The input sleep time is the value (msec) to pass to the
Sleep function. This preset value has been optimized and usually it
does not need to be changed. Input processing (ReadFile) uses the
CPU exclusively. When input process is performed while there is no
input data in particular, because data event does not occur, the
application looks like it is not running (hangs). To solve this problem,
use the Sleep function between input processes so that control (of
CPU) can be passed to other applications as much as possible.
(Executing the Sleep function passes to other processes.) Try to use
the preset input sleep time value, because if changing the value
decreases the input response. To change the input sleep time value by
all means, change it in a way that strikes a balance between input
response and application performance.
EPSON OPOS ADK uses the following types of ports: serial(COM),
parallel(LPT), USB, Ethernet, and IEEE802.11b.
The trace (log) function provides support for application development.
Usually this function is used only for debugging OPOS applications; it
is not used for other purposes. To change the trace settings, use the
“OPOS API trace settings” dialog box. Note that for version 1.xx, the
trace function can be used only if an EPSON OPOS ADK supporting
trace is installed.
Message handling
Depending on the application, some methods may require a lot of time
to process. If the application needs to extract a message during the
method processing duration, the message handling function is used.
Do not use this function.