Appendix 1
Sample PAR-Q
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)
For most people, physical exertion will not present any problems or risks. The Physical
Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) has been developed to identify the small
number of people for whom physical activity is less suitable or for whom it would be
sensible to seek medical advice about the most suitable type of activities (ACSM, 1991).
1. Has a doctor ever said that you have any type of cardiovascular disease?
2. Do you regularly suffer from chest pain?
3. Do you regularly suffer from shortness of breath or dizziness?
4. Has a doctor ever said that you have high blood pressure?
5. Has a doctor ever said that you have a bone or joint problem, such as arthrosis,
arthritis or rheumatism, which could be made worse by physical exertion?
6. Do you know of any other good reason why you should not take part in an activity
7. Are you older than 65 and not used to strenuous physical exercise?
If someone answers ‘yes’ to one or more questions, the physical activity
or test must be postponed. Medical consent must first be obtained.
E. Hulzebos & H. van der Loo 2002
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire - PAR.Q (revised 2002)
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology