After the test has ended, a screen which
gives the user an indication of his or her
fitness level will appear.
It is possible to distinguish between the
following levels:
- - poor
- moderate
-/+ reasonable/average
+ good
++ very good
For a detailed overview of the test results,
you must press
After the test has ended, the
Results screen
will appear.
Note the results and record them on the
results form (see appendix) so that they can
be added to the patient record at a later date.
Allow the person taking the test to cool down
and stretch.
to return to the
Main menu
Comment: pressing the
STOP button
bring the test to a premature end and the
screen shown on the left will be displayed
instead of the
Results screen
to return to the
Main menu.
Claudication test
Claudicatio intermittens is a peripheral vascular disease, often caused as a result of atherosclerosis. The
modifiable risk factors (which may influence the prognosis) for cardiovascular diseases are smoking, diabetes
mellitus, hypertension,
, physical inactivity and excess weight. Non-modifiable risk factors
include gender and age. If several risk factors are present at the same time, their influence is increased.
In the case of claudicatio intermittens, the patient experiences pain or an unpleasant sensation in the legs,
often unilaterally. The symptoms (cramp, a burning or constricted feeling, tiredness) usually occur in the calf.
They tend to occur after the patient has walked a certain distance, walked quickly or walked uphill; they tend to
disappear once again when the patient is at rest. The symptoms are caused by poor arterial blood circulation to
the working muscles during physical activity. The localisation of the arterial obstruction determines the muscles
in which the arterial blood supply is insufficient. The consequence is that the walking distance decreases
significantly, leading to the restriction of the pain-free and maximum walking distance and time.