Biometra TOne
Select the field
in the column
to save the programs on the USB flash drive.
Start the second thermal cycler and insert the USB flash drive into the USB port of
this device.
Use the menu option
to open the page
Program overview
Select the field
in the column
Copy all
to copy all programs saved on this USB flash drive.
Or: Select a particular program and use
to copy it.
Select a user in the program overview.
Save the copied programs to the selected user directory by tapping
You have transferred one or all programs from one thermal cycler to another
thermal cycler.
Automatic program adjustment
After exchanging programs between different device models, you may need to adapt the
programs to fit varying device specifications.
If the software detects deviations from the device specifications when reading a pro-
gram, the software will automatically adjust this program. The adjustment is carried out
during the editing or starting process of the program.
The software will display a prompt to inform you that certain adjustments to the pro-
gram are required when you attempt to start or edit the program. You have the choice to
either confirm or reject the automatic program adjustment. If you refuse a required ad-
justment, the device will not be able to start this program.
The following table provides an overview of possible adjustments:
Automatic adjustment
A program with temperature op-
timization step (TOS) is trans-
ferred to a device without TOS
The software will take the mean value of the tempera-
tures programmed for the left and right sample block.
The heating and cooling rate is
The software reduces the heating and cooling rate to the
maximum rate that is possible.
The heating and cooling rate is
not attained.
The software raises the heating and cooling rate to the
maximum rate that is possible.
User-defined heating and cool-
ing rate
The software maintains the user-defined heating and
cooling rate.
A program with a temperature
gradient is transferred to a non-
gradient-enabled device.
The software deletes the gradient and applies the aver-
age temperature of the programmed gradient or the an-
nealing temperature for this step.
The gradient is outside the per-
mitted temperature range.
The software raises the lower temperature to the mini-
mum permissible value, e.g. from 5 °C to 20 °C.
The program exceeds the maxi-
mum permissible gradient
The software reduces the temperature range of the gra-
dient and applies the mean temperature of the pro-
grammed gradient or the annealing temperature to do