1592015610 User manual IC200D EVO GB rel1.0 10.11.2015_rev10
4. Push
to enter; the bottom display shows the first available parameter label while the top display
shows its value.
The user can shows and modify all the parameters belonging to this family.
Parameter status, leds and bottom display in Pr1
If the selected parameter can not be changed the leds 1 and 2 are blinking.
In Pr1 level the user can not see and change any parameter of Pr2 and Pr3.
The MENU key allows to exit from a family to reselect another without exit the Pr1 level.
To exit completely the programming push SET + UP.
Enter the programming level Pr2
Enter the Pr2 “maintenance level ”:
1. Push the
keys together for 3 seconds. The top display shows PAS while the bottom
display shows Pr1 labels.
2. Push UP key for 2 seconds and the top display will show Pr2.
3. Push
key and the top display shows a blinking 0, with
insert the Pr2 password. Push
and, if the value is correct, top display will show the first family of parameters
. Otherwise set
the password again.
4. Select a parameter family with
5. Push
to enter, the bottom display shows the first available parameter label while the top display
shows its value.
The user can shows and modify all the paramters belonging to this family.
Parameter status, leds and bottom display in Pr2
Leds 1 / 2 are blinking:
the parameter can not be changed.
All the leds are off:
the parameter ca not be seen in Pr1 level.
Led 3 is on:
the parameter can be seen in Pr1 level.
Leds 1 / 2 are blinking and led 3 is on: the parameter can be showed and changed in Pr2, showed but not
changed in Pr1.
Leds 1 / 2 / 3 are blinking: the parameter can be showed and changed in Pr2 and in Pr21.
In Pr2 level the user can not see and change any parameter of Pr3 level.
The MENU key allows to exit from a family to reselect another without exit the Pr2 level.
The MENU key allows to pass to Pr1 starting from a family label.
To exit completely the programming push SET + UP.
Enter the programming level Pr3
Enter the Pr3 “OEM level ”: