SMG digital gateway
Generate New Certificates
These parameters should be entered in Latin characters.
Country code (two symbols)—country code (RU for Russia).
Region—region name.
City—city name.
Company name—organisation name.
Department—name of the organisation unit or division.
E-mail— contact e-mail address.
Hostname or IP address—IP address of the gateway.
—a utility that monitors logs files for attempts to access various services. When fail2ban
discovers repeated unsuccessful access attempts from the same IP address/host, it blocks all further access
attempts from this IP address/host.
The following actions may be identified as an unsuccessful access attempt:
Brute forcing authentication data—reception of REGISTER requests from a known IP address but
containing wrong authentication data.
Reception of requests (REGISTER, INIVITE, SUBSCRIBE, and others) from an unknown IP address.
Reception of unknown requests via SIP port.
Fail2ban Parameters
Enable—launches Fail2ban utility.
Block time, seconds—time in seconds during which access from a suspicious address will be
Access attempts before blocking—the maximum number of host's unsuccessful access attempts
to a server before the host is banned by fail2ban.
White list (the last 30 records)
—a list of IP addresses that cannot be banned by fail2ban.
Black list (the last 30 records)
—a list of permanently banned addresses. A device may have up to
records in total.