SMG digital gateway
—means that this signal link is connected to the ALDE. This parameter is used to ensure
correct operation with long-distance calls (used in transits to signalling CAS).
Alarm indication
—when checked, a fault in SS-7 signal link results in fault indication (the ALARM
LED turns on and the fault is registered in the alarm log).
Channel selection
—the order of channel engagement for outgoing calls. Available options:
sequential forward;
sequential back;
from the first and forward;
from the last and back;
sequential forward even;
sequential back even;
sequential forward odd;
sequential back odd.
To minimise the number of communication conflicts with adjacent PBXs,
inverse channel engagement types are recommended.
Reserve SS7 Linkset
—the selected redundant SS-7 line group. When the main SS-7 line group is not
available, the exchange of signalling messages will be entirely performed through the redundant
SS7 line group.
Combined mode
—the Combined Linkset mode which means that only voice streams are used in
this SS-7 line group, while signal channels of the primary and secondary SS-7 groups are used for
Primary SS7 Linkset
—the SS-7 line group selected by signal D-channels that will be used to
exchange the signalling messages related to this particular SS-7 line group.
Secondary SS7 Linkset
—the second SS7 line group selected by signal D-channels that will be used
to exchange the signalling messages related to this particular SS-7 line group.
In the combined mode, the signalling load is evenly distributed (50/50)
between the primary and secondary SS-7 line groups.
SS7 Timers profile
—the selected timer profile which will be used for this SS-7 line group.
MTP2 Level
Emergency alignment for a single signal link
—enables emergency phasing during SS-7 line group
commissioning, if this SS-7 line group has a single signal link.
Service Information (SIO)
Network ID
—specifies the network type: international, national, local network or reserve (usually,
Local Network
value is used in the Russian Federation).
Routing Label
Own point code (OPC)—the signalling point own code.
ISUP opposite code (DPC-ISUP)
—code of the communicating signalling point of the ISUP
Not supported in the current version.