NORMAL OPERATION - This operating condition is indicated by the flashing every 20 seconds of the red LED.
The detector is continuously radio-synchronized with the control panel, it answers to supervision and it sends the
alarm when smoke is detected.
The periodical reading of the smoke chamber is carried out every 4 seconds. In the event of smoke detection, the
Fire start procedure described at para. “5.5 FIRE PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION" is activated. The red LED
switches on with fixed light on the FO31WL detector and the internal buzzer rings beating at max. volume for the
whole fire alarm period (15 minutes).
The FO31WL detector can be reset through two different procedures (that can be programmed from the Input
Procedure 1: Reset from disabled remote.
Selecting this procedure, the smoke detector reset is independent from the control panel.
The buzzer can be silenced and the event memory can be deleted (LED off) on the alarm detector only in local
mode by pressing the detector "reset" key for about 2 seconds.
The control panel Fire outputs (sirens, wire outputs) and the fire icon on the display are not involved in this
procedure and they therefore continue the standard alarm cycle.
Similarly, entering a valid code
obtains fire event silencing as described in para. “5.5 FIRE PROCEDURE
DESCRIPTION", but it has no effect on the smoke detector, the buzzer of which keeps on ringing for max 15
minutes. Also the "fire reset" procedure described in para. “5.5 FIRE PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION" has only effect
on the control panel.
Procedure 2: Reset from enabled remote.
Keeping always valid the use of the local Reset key which operates silencing and detector reset as described for
Procedure 1, if selecting this procedure it will be possible to carry out silencing and smoke detector reset also
through the WL31 system controls.
Fire event silencing, in addition to what has been described in para. “5.5 FIRE PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION", will
also silence the buzzer of all alarmed smoke detectors.
Fire Reset procedure, in addition to what has been described in para. “5.5 FIRE PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION",
will also reset the alarm memory (LED off) of all alarmed smoke detectors.
To perform the detector operating test prepare the control panel for the test (TEST - FIRE DET.) and stimulate the
detector by pressing for about 3 seconds the TEST key on the cover. The detector buzzer is activated for 10
seconds. To display test results see paragrpah TEST - FIRE DET.
Warning: pressing the TEST key when the control panel is not under test condition will generate a fire
event (with activation of the buzzer and outputs programmed as fire). To deactivate the buzzer and outputs,
follow indications described in paragraph “Fire Reset”.
Diagnostic and battery level detection
The detector monitors continuosly certain operating parameters; failure detection involves detector disabling
(detector off) and activation of failure event in control panel.
Batteries are checked every 60 minutes, adjusting signalling to control panel accordingly.
When batteries go under the 30% of their charge, the "Low battery" signalling is sent to the control panel that will
disply the icon
The detector signals the low battery status by the yellow LED flashing for 2 seconds every 5 minutes and by a low-
tone beep from the buzzer. This signalling lasts for max 24 hours.
Under this condition, pressing the "TEST" key will only silence the buzzer, keeping the optical signalling active.
If batteries are not replaced, when reaching the dead battery level the "Dead battery" signalling is sent to the
control panel that will display the icon
and generate the Failure
– Dead battery event.
: at first device powering a battery test is performed.