680 ipv6 mld access-group
Command: ipv6
access-group {<acl_name>}
no ipv6 mld access-group
Configure the filter conditions of the interface on the MLD group; the “
no ipv6
mld access-group
” command cancels the filter conditions.
Parameter: <acl-name>
is the name of the IPv6 access list
No filter condition by default
Command Mode:
Interface Mode
Usage Guide:
This command can configure the filter on the interface to the groups,
permitting or denying certain groups.
Configure the interface vlan1 to permit group FF1E::1:0/112, while denying all
Switch (Config)# ipv6 access-list aclv6 permit FF1E::1:0/112
Switch (Config)# ipv6 access-list aclv6 deny any
Switch (Config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ipv6 mld access-group aclv6 ipv6 mld join-group
Command: ipv6 mld join-group <address>
no ipv6 mld join-group <address>
Configure the interface to join in certain multicast group; the “
no ipv6 mld
join-group <address>
” command cancels joining certain multicast group.
Parameter: <address>
is a valid IPv6 multicast address
No multicast group joined by factory default
Command Mode:
Interface Mode
Usage Guide:
The address range of the IPv6 multicast is FFxy::/8, however the
(FF02::/16) is permanent addresses which can not be joined in.
Join the interface vlan2 in multicast group with multicast address of ff1e::1:3.
Switch(Config)#interface vlan 2
Switch(Config-if-Vlan2)#ipv6 mld join-group ff1e::1:3 ipv6 mld join-group mode source
Command: ipv6 mld join-group <X:X::X:X> mode <include|exclude> source
no ipv6 mld join-group <X:X::X:X> source <.X:X::X:X>
Configure the sources of certain multicast group which the interface join in.
Note: because of the client group has got only INLCUDE and EXCLUDE modes, if the