This menu is only available when ramping has been selected with the FIRE Mode parameter and comprises a list of
parameters that control the way in which the GEO3.5 ramps, as shown below.
This parameter is used to select the ramping style and has the following choices:
> STEP: Step ramping will cause the GEO3.5 to shoot in semi-automatic until a number of trigger pulls, set by SEMI
SHOTS, have been made at a minimum pull rate, set by KICK IN. At this point the rate of fire will step up to the
maximum rate of fire as set by BS ON ROF (or the maximum loader speed if the ROF CAP parameter is set to off).
Ramping is maintained as long as the user continues to pull the trigger at a required rate set by SUSTAIN.
> LINEAR: Linear ramping will cause the GEO3.5 to shoot in semi-automatic until a number of trigger pulls, set by SEMI
SHOTS, have been made at a minimum pull rate, set by KICK IN. At this point the rate of fire will equal the rate of trigger
pulls increased by the percentage specified by RATE up to a maximum rate of fire as set by BS ON ROF, if the ROF
CAP is on. Ramping is maintained as long as the user continues to pull the trigger at a required rate set by SUSTAIN.
> CANCEL: Editing is cancelled and no changes are made to the parameter.
The parameter is only available when LINEAR ramping is selected and is used to set the percentage increase in rate of fire
over rate of trigger pulls.
For example, if the user is pulling the trigger at a rate of 10 pulls per second and the RATE parameter is set to 50% then the
rate of fire is 10 plus 50% extra which is 15 balls per second.
This parameter can be set between 0 and 100% in 10% increments.
Summary of Contents for GEO3.5