Ignition transformer
dreizler A 3001 E - 18.12.2015 | A 2042 - 1.09 | EN - 23.10.2009
22.2 Ignition transformer ZM 20 / 10 (2-pole)
22.2.1 Description
The 2-pole ignition transformer is earthed at the centre point of the secondary development. The transform-
er ignites electrode against electrode; ignition from one electrode to mass must not occur. The 2-pole igni-
tion transformer generates less radio interference levels.
22.2.2 Technical data
The best spark gap distance is between 2 and 3mm.
22.2.3 2-pole ignition:
Fig. 22-2 Electrode gap in 2-pole ignition
22.3 Ignition transformer configuration
22.3.1 Gas burner
Secondary voltage:
2 x 5kV
Short-circuit current:
20mA (60Hz 15mA)
Power input voltage:
230V / 50Hz
Rated input voltage:
1.1A (60Hz 0.8A)
Intermittent operation:
AB 33% (3 minute duty cycle)
Burner model size
Ignition transformer
M 121 - M 1501:
Burner management system ORBIC with integrated high-frequency
M 2001 - M 5001:
Burner management system ORBIC with ZM 20 / 10 ignition trans-
M 5001.4, M 10001 - M 10003:
Burner management system ORBIC with 2 x ZE 30 / 7.5 ignition