Configurable Safety System SAFEMASTER PRO
0265525 / 16.05.19 en / 101A
COUNTER (Max. number 16)
The operator COUNTER is a pulse counter.
Es gibt drei Betriebsarten:
COUNTER operator is a pulse counter that sets output Q to 1 (TRUE) as soon as the desired count is reached.
Ck down:
Enables counting down.
Enable Clear:
If selected this enables the request to clear in order to restart the counter setting output Q to 0 (FALSE). It also
offers the possibility of enabling or not enabling (Automatic Enable) automatic operation with manual reset.
If this is not selected operation is automatic. Once the set count is reached output Q is set to 1 (TRUE) and stays
in this condition for two internal cycles after which it is reset.
Two-way (Double edge):
If selected it enables counting on both the rising and falling edges
Counter Type:
If selected, it allows the current counter value to be extracted from the delay block. This output can be sent as
input to one or more COUNTER COMPARATOR blocks.Counter value is 6 for all examples:
1) The counter generates a pulse duration equal to 2 x Tcycle (indicated in the REPORT) as soon as the set
count is reached. If the CLEAR pin is not enabled this is the default mode..