Configurable Safety System SAFEMASTER PRO
0265525 / 16.05.19 en / 101A
The OVERRIDE function must be used when the machine
stops due to incorrect Muting activation sequences with the
material obstructing the guarded opening.
This function activates the OSSD outputs making it possible to
remove the material that is obstructing the guarded opening.
The operator must be connected after the Muting operator
(Muting OUTPUT directly to the Override INPUT).
The operator permits override of the directly connected Muting
Override can be activated only if Muting is not active (INPUT=0)
and at least one Muting sensor is occupied (or the light curtain
is occupied).
Override ends when the light curtain and sensors are cleared and the OverOut switches to logical "0" (FALSE).
Override can be set to pulsed or maintained action mode.
Override with maintained action control.
This function must be activated maintaining the Override command active (OVERRIDE=1) during all subsequent
operations. However, a new Override can be activated, de-activating ad re-activating the command. When the
light curtain and sensors are cleared (gap free) or on expiry of the timeout, Override ends without the need for
further commands.
Override with pulsed action.
This function is enabled activating the Override command (OVERRIDE=1).
Override ends when the light curtain and sensors are cleared (gap free) or on expiry of the timeout. The function
can be restarted only if the Override command is re-activated (OVERRIDE=1)
Manual Reset:
• Should the INPUT be active (TRUE), the reset enables the output of the function block.
• Should the INPUT be not active (FALSE), the output of the function block follows the OVERRIDE request.
There are two types of reset: Manual and Monitored. When Manual is selected the system only verifies the signal's
transition from 0 to 1. If Monitored is selected the double transition from 0 to 1 and then back to 0 is verified.
With sensors occupied:
- Must be selected with “T” sequential, simultaneous muting.
- with “L” muting, must not be selected.
Otherwise, a Warning is displayed in the compilation phase and in the report.
The user must adopt additional safety measures during the Override phase.