Configurable Safety System SAFEMASTER PRO
0265525 / 16.05.19 en / 101A
TWO-HAND (bimanual control)
The TWO HAND function block verifies the status of
the inputs of a two hand control switch. Only if both the
press-buttons are pressed within 500msec the output
is 1 (TRUE). Otherwise the output is 0 (FALSE).
Input Type:
- Double NO – Allows connection of two-hand switch
with one NO contact for each button
- Double NO-NC – Allows connection of two-hand
switch with a double NO/NC contact for each button
Output Test:
This is used to select which test output signals are to be sent to the component contacts. This additional test
makes it possible to detect and manage any short-circuits between the lines. There is a choice of up to 8 possible
test output signals, Test Output 1 ÷ Test Output 8 (depending on used module).
Startup Test:
If selected this enables the test at start-up of the external component. If this test is enabled, the two buttons must
be released before they can be pressed (within 500msec) to run a complete function test and enable the output.
This test is only requested at machine start-up (when the unit is switched on).
Filter (ms):
This is used to filter the signals coming from the mode selector. The filter can be configured to between 3 and
250 ms and eliminates any bouncing on the contacts. The length of the filter affects the calculation of the unit's
total response time.
Enable Error Out:
If selected reports a fault detected by the function block.
Item Description:
This allows a description of the component's function to be entered. The text is displayed in the top part of the