Console Commands
VAX 4000 Model 108 User Information A-27
DC 200642BC NO_Memory_present *
DD 200661FC B_Cache_Data_debug start_add end_add add_incr *******
DE 20065DB4 B_Cache_Tag_Debug start_add end_add add_incr *******
DF 20065614 O_BIT_DEBUG start_add end_add add_incr seg_incr ******
E0 20068498 SCSI environment reset_bus time_s *******
E1 20068578 SCSI_Utility environment util_nbr target_ID lun ******
E2 20068630 SCSI_MAP bypass_test addr_incr_data_tst ********
E4 200689D4 DZ environment *********
E8 20068B4C SYNC environment *********
E9 20068BF4 SYNC_Utility environment *********
EC 20068CAC ASYNC environment *********
# Description
A0 User defined scripts
A1 Powerup tests, Functional Verify, continue on error, numeric countdown
A3 Functional Verify, stop on error, test # announcements
A4 Loop on A3 Functional Verify
A6 Memory tests, mark only multiple bit errors
A7 Memory tests
A8 Memory acceptance tests, mark single and multi-bit errors, call A7
A9 Memory tests, stop on error
B2 Extended tests plus BF
B5 Extended tests, then loop
BF DZ, SYNC, ASYNC with loopbacks
The UNJAM command performs an I/O bus reset, by writing a 1 (one) to IPR 55