Console Commands
VAX 4000 Model 108 User Information A-13
P 00000000 58DD0520
P 00000004 585E04C1
P 00000008 00FF8FBB
P 0000000C 5208A8D0
P 00000010 540CA8DE
The NEXT command executes the specified number of macro instructions. If no count is
specified, 1 is assumed. After the last macro instruction is executed, the console reenters
console I/O mode.
NEXT {count}
The console implements the NEXT command using the trace trap enable and trace pending
bits in the PSL and the trace pending vector in the SCB.
The console enters the Spacebar Step Mode. In this mode, pressing the spacebar initiates
each single step, and a carriage return forces a return to the console prompt. The following
restrictions apply:
If memory management is enabled, the NEXT command works only if the first page
in SSC RAM is mapped in S0 (system) space.
Overhead associated with the NEXT command affects the execution time of an
The NEXT command elevates the IPL to 31 for long periods of time (milliseconds)
while single-stepping over several commands.
Unpredictable results occur if the macro instruction being stepped over modifies either
the SCBB or the trace trap entry. This means that you cannot use the NEXT
command with other debuggers. You must validate PR$_SCCB before using the
NEXT command.
A value representing the number of macro
instructions to execute.
>>> DEP 1000 50D650D4 ! Create a simple program.
>>> DEP 1004 125005D1
>>> DEP 1008 00FE11F9