Diagnostic Tests and Commands
6–6 VAX 4000 Model 108 User Information
DE 2005EC64 B_Cache_Tag_Debug start_add end_add add_incr *******
DF 2005E2A8 O_BIT_DEBUG start_add end_add add_incr seg_incr ******
E0 2006D4D4 SCSI environment reset_bus time_s *******
E1 2006D7CC SCSI_Utility environment util_nbr target_ID lun ******
E2 2006DA2C SCSI_MAP bypass_test addr_incr_data_tst ********
E4 2006DFC8 DZ environment *********
E8 2006E1DC SYNC environment *********
E9 2006E2B4 SYNC_Utility environment *********
EC 2006E398 ASYNC environment *********
# Description
A0 User defined scripts
A1 Powerup tests, Functional Verify, continue on error, numeric countdown
A3 Functional Verify, stop on error, test # announcements
A4 Loop on A3 Functional Verify
A6 Memory tests, mark only multiple bit errors
A7 Memory tests
A8 Memory acceptance tests, mark single and multi-bit errors, call A7
A9 Memory tests, stop on error
B2 Extended tests plus BF, then loop
B5 Extended tests, then loop
BF DZ, SYNC, ASYNC with loopbacks
Load & start system exerciser
100 Customer mode, 2 passes
101 CSSE mode, 2 passes
102 CSSE mode, continous until ^C
103 Manuf mode, continous until ^C
104 Manuf TINA mode, continous until ^C
105 Manuf mode, 2 passes
106 CSSE mode, select tests, continous until ^C
107 Manuf mode, select tests, continous until ^C
Specific test for the DZ device