A connector used on one or both ends of an Ethernet segment that provides the
50-ohm termination resistance needed for the cable.
A Digital trademark used to describe its 10 base 2 (IEEE standard 802.3
compliant) Ethernet products used for local distribution of data.
ThinWire connector
The connector on the rear of the system unit to which the ThinWire Ethernet
cable is attached.
ThinWire Ethernet
An Ethernet network that uses ThinWire cable. ThinWire is ideal for small
standalone networks in which the users share resources, such as printers and
storage devices.
A device that provides a single physical connection between standard Ethernet
and Ethernet communication equipment.
unload switch
A switch on the front of the TZ30 tape drive that rewinds and unloads the
unshielded twisted-pair cable
Multiple-conductor cable whose component cables are paired, twisted, and
enclosed in a single jacket.
user input device
A piece of equipment that is used to transfer data to the system. For example,
keyboard, disk, tape, and system are input devices.