A binary digit; the smallest unit of information in a binary system of notation,
designated as a 0 or a 1.
The name assigned to Digital’s suite of special-purpose, high-performance
protocols, including LAT, LASTport/Disk, LASTport/Tape, and LASTport/PDQ.
See bootstrap.
boot device
The device that is booted at system startup. See bootstrap and device.
bootable medium
A fixed disk or magnetic tape cartridge containing software (such as an
operating system) that a bootstrap program can load into the system memory
and execute.
bootstrap (or boot)
To attempt to load the operating system software from a mass storage device.
An internal program makes the attempt.
A channel (a set of wires) along which communication signals in a computer
system travel.
A group of eight binary digits (bits). A byte is one-quarter of a VAX system
A compact disc holder, used to insert a compact disc into a compact disc drive.
central processing unit (CPU)
The part of the system that controls the interpretation and execution of
client system
A computer system, connected to the same local area network as a server
system, that connects to and uses services provided by the server.