Description varix 200/varix 14 (DECT)
2 - 5
2 Planning a cordless communications network
Are there any warehouses in the area in question?
If yes, what are they being used for at the time of inspection?
What will they be used for in the future?
Empty warehouses or high-rack storage space will invariably
be occupied by stores at a later date (i.e. their designated use).
This can have a dramatic affect on hop ranges and it has been
known for base stations to be screened off by jam jars.
How many floors does the area have?
Provided all floors have similar characteristics as far as furnish-
ings and telephone traffic are concerned, planning for the indi-
vidual floors can be reduced to a minimum. The same number
of FPs can be installed on each floor. If the floors differ from
each other, then individual measurement and planning should
be undertaken for each floor.
as FP installation is based on radio field footprints
and anticipated telephone traffic on a particular floor, under no
circumstances should plans be made for FPs on one floor to
supply the area of another floor. It is even advantageous to
allow hop areas to overlap with each other. This will ensure a
safe telephone network in terms of field strength qualities and
dynamic behaviour.