Description varix 200/varix 14 (DECT)
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2 Planning a cordless communications network
P l a n n i n g a c o r d l e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s n e t w o r k
Planning and operating DECT cordless communications networks should be done carefully
and step-by-step. The sequence of operations is important. Planning and preparation steps
are already required at the stage of drawing up a tender. For each of these steps, a pre-
defined set of information must be compiled for the purpose of maintaining complete system
When a job order is to be carried out, continue with the following steps: "Installation",
"Putting the system into operation", "Verification and approval". These steps are summarised in
the following flow chart. The following chapters refer to this flowchart and individually
explain the reasons for the work in question.