HARNAIS HAxxx / ELARAxxx DATE : 14/03/2017 16/80
B.P. 140 - ZAC de La Peyrolière
- straps: polyamide, polyester
- metal parts: light alloy, aluminium alloy, steel, galvanized steel,
- plastic parts: polypropylene, PVC, polyethylene
It is recommended to assign each user a harness.
This PPE can only be used by one person at a time.
During all these operations, be careful not to twist the straps.
Unfold the harness to put it in the correct direction ①.
Harness: Put the harness over the back, pass the head through the upper part ②.
Harness equipped with a vest: Thread the vest harness ②.
Close the Bavarian sternum strap ③. Pass the lower part between the legs.
Assemble the lower and upper part through the loops ④. see diagrams ① ② ③ ④
Closing and opening of the different types of loops: see diagrams ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧
A harness should be adjusted to the size of the user: adjust the straps by sliding them in the loops and openings provided for this
purpose, so that the seat strap is in place and the back plate is located between the shoulder blades, adjust the adjustable buckles.
The harness (and/or the belt with leg straps) must be strapped as close to the body as possible, without excess, to allow the user free
movement. These settings must be made at once only and before the user is in the fall risk area.
The harness anchor point must be located above the user (minimum resistance: 12 kN (EN795).
The harness must be connected to the fall protection system through the dorsal or sternal attachment point indicated by the letter A.
The sternal attachment point can be of 2 types: type A/ 2 (2 loops connected via a connector) OR type A (two independent
attachment points).
During use, the overall system must not be in contact with:
cutting elements, sharp edges and structures of small diameter, oils, harsh chemicals, fire, hot metal, all types of electrical
During operation, regularly check the closing and adjustment and/ or fastening elements.
For safety reasons and before each use, check:
- that the connectors (EN362) are closed and locked
- that the operating instructions described for each component of the system are met
- that the general disposition of the work situation reduces the fall risk, the drop height and the pendulum movement in the case of a
- The vertical clearance is sufficient (free space beneath the feet of the user) and no obstacles disrupt the normal functioning of the fall
arrest system.
The vertical clearance is the stopping distance H + additional safety distance of 1 m. The distance H measured from the initial position
to the final position (user's balance after the fall arrest). (See reference table).
Provide a safe distance from the ground and the power lines or areas with an electrical hazard.
Special note for the harness equipped at the dorsal attachment point of an irremovable shock absorber with lanyard.
The harness fitted to the dorsal attachment point of an irremovable shock absorber with lanyard (EN355) is ready to be used as a fall
arrest system. Do not add an shock absorber nor a lanyard to the equipment. Consult the shock absorber's usage instructions and
particularly (EN355) the air draft instructions.
Before any PPE implementation operation, set up a rescue plan to deal with any emergency that may occur during the operation.
Textile products or those containing textile elements (harnesses, belts, shock absorbers etc...): maximum life of 10 years in storage
(from date of manufacture), 7 years after the first use.
The shelf life is given as an indication. The following factors can cause it to vary greatly:
- Non-compliance with the manufacturer's instructions for transport, storage and use
- "Aggressive" work environment: marine atmosphere, chemicals, extreme temperatures, sharp edges...
- Particularly intensive use - Shock or significant constraint - Disregard for the product item's history
Warning: these factors can cause damage invisible to the naked eye.
Warning: certain extreme conditions can shorten the shelf life by a few days.
If in doubt, always remove the product for it to undergo either: - a review - destruction
The shelf life is not a substitute for periodic verification (minimum annually) which will assess the condition of the product.
No modification or addition or repair of the PPE may be made without prior written consent from the manufacturer nor without using
their procedures.
Do not use beyond the area of use defined in the instructions for use.
The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect accident after a modification or use other than that provided in this
Do not use this equipment beyond its limits.
To ensure its working condition and therefore the safety of the user, the product should be checked systematically:
1 / visually inspect the following points:
- State of the strap or rope: no fraying, no boot cut, no visible damage at seams, no burning and no unusual narrowing
- Condition of seams and fasteners: no visible damage
- Condition of the metal parts: no wear, no deformation, no corrosion or oxidation
- General condition: look for any possible damage due to ultraviolet radiation and other climatic conditions