D-Link DWC-1000 User Manual
Section 11 - Wizard
The Wizard is a user friendly approach provided by D-Link Wireless Controller which guides its users step-
by-step for various configurations required for the applications. This is a very useful tool for the new users
as it would help them to understand the steps required for the several settings. The wizards available are as
1. Controller/Device Wizard
2. Internet Connection Wizard
3. Security Wizard
4. WLAN Wizard
5. Users Wizard
6. Dynamic DNS Wizard
7. Date and Time Wizard
8. LAN Wizard
WLAN Wizard
The WLAN controller can manage external AP’s and also act as an AP for wireless LAN clients. The Wireless Wizard
is a user friendly approach to configure a wireless LAN connection using the controller’s built in 802.11 radio. It al-
lows user to aim your wireless adapter, measure network performance and quickly identify and fix wireless broad-
band problems. The Wizard includes a Wi-Fi analyzer to easily identify the best channel and resolve interference
issues. One can even compare the performance of his/her broadband network to networks around the world.
The WLAN Wizard helps the user to get wireless network up and running by following the following few steps:
Step 1: Wireless Global Configuration
Step 2: Wireless Default Radio Configuration
Step 3: Wireless Default VAP Configuration
Step 4: Valid Access Point Summary
Step 5: Save Settings and Connect