D-Link DWC-1000 User Manual
Section 8 - Security
3. Complete the fields from the table below and click
From Zone
Select the source of originating traffic: either secure LAN, public DMZ, or insecure Option.
For an inbound rule Option should be selected.
To Zone
Select the destination of traffic covered by this rule. If the From Zone is the Option, the To
Zone can be the public DMZ or secure LAN. Similarly if the From Zone is the LAN, then the
To Zone can be the public DMZ or insecure Option.
Select a service from the drop-down menu. ANY means all traffic is affected by this rule.
Select an action from the drop-down menu.
Source Hosts
Select a source host. If you select Single Address or Address Range, you will need to enter
the IP address or IP range.
Destination Hosts
Select a Destination host. If you select Single Address or Address Range, you will need to
enter the IP address or IP range.
Select whether to log firewall traffic or not.
QoS Priority (IPv4 only)
Outbound rules (where To Zone = insecure Option only) can have the traffic marked with a
QoS priority tag. Select a priority level:
• Normal-Service: ToS=0 (lowest QoS)
• Minimize-Cost: ToS=1
• Maximize-Reliability: ToS=2
• Maximize-Throughput: ToS=4
• Minimize-Delay: ToS=16