This page displays basic information of the Residential Gateway and information about the SFP
transceiver plugged in the WAN port. And for more details, please refer to the description of the
individual section below.
This is a view-only section which displays basic system information of the Residential
Gateway. Below is a description of each item in this section.
Company Name
This is the name of the manufacturer.
System Object ID
This is the predefined system OID of the Residential Gateway.
System Contact
Display contact information for this Residential Gateway.
System Name
This is the model name of the Residential Gateway.
System Location
Display a brief location description for this Residential Gateway.
DHCP Vendor ID
Enter the Vendor ID used for DHCP relay agent function.
Model Name
Display the product’s model name.
Host Name
This is the host name of the Residential Gateway.
Current Boot Image
The image that is currently using.
Configured Boot Image
The image you want to use after reboot.
Image-1 Version
Display the firmware version 1 (image-1) used in this device.
Image-2 Version
Display the firmware version 2 (image-2) used in this device.
Firmware Version
This is the current firmware version of the Residential Gateway.
M/B Version
Display the main board version.