12.4.3 E-4 Improper test pressure
When arranging a pressure switch to WORK-side measurement system and not using the original one,
error message might be appeared. In that case, the wrong setting of the test pressure or malfunction of the
air-operated valve could be its cause.
12.4.4 E-5: Air-operated Valve Inactive
When the error
is indicated, check the followings (See Section 4.4
1) Test pressure
A positive pressure of 8 kPa or more or a negative pressure of -13 kPa or more is required.
2) Pilot pressure
A pilot pressure should be regulated 400 to 700 kPa.
3) DL3 timer
A Low test pressure model will require longer DL3 timer than usual. Extend the DL3 timer by 1 to 2
seconds. In case of Micro-low pressure model may require optional orifice.
4) Air-operated valves and solenoid valves
If contaminants are found in the air-operated valves, cleaning or replacement is required.
5) DPS sensitivity
Check the DPS sensitivity using a Leak Master, and DPS span.
12.4.5 E-9 Pressurization valve error
In case WORK & MASTER volume are largely different or exhaust time takes longer, the offset of the
differential pressure sensor could exceed its limit and display
error message. In those cases, please
arrange the time for more than 5 sec by memory switch.
When arranging a pressure switch to WORK-side measurement
system, the effect of the volumetric change of pressure switch
could cause the reduced sensitivity and leak.