Assembly Manual: Undercarriage Installation
Revised 12.2019
Fig 248 - Saddle bolts
9. Repeat the process for the other Saddle
- Use 5/8 x 2 inch (19 x 50 mm) bolts.
- Insert bolt from outside
10. Tighten bolts on both sides.
11. Bolt the Motor Mount Levelling Arm Mount
Tab to the opening in the windguard, just
above the drive box.
12. Bolt the Levelling Arm bracket to the cradle
frame below the engine.
13. Fasten one end to the Arm Mount Tab.
- Use 3/8 x 1-1/4 inch bolts.
- Use 3 washers, one on either end of the
bolt and one between the brackets.
14. Connect the other end to the Tab on the
Cradle Assembly
- Use 3/8 x 1-1/4 inch (9.5 x 31.7 mm) bolts.
- Use 3 washers, one on either end of the
bolt and one between the brackets.
Fig 249 - Motor mount leveling arm mount tab
Fig 250 - Motor mount leveling arm
Fig 251 - Motor mount leveling arm mount tab on cradle