Assembly Manual: Engine Cradle
Revised 12.2019
Fig 36 - Rear of reservoir with filter mount bracket
Fig 37 - Oil return fitting for reservoir
Fig 38 - Pump inlet extension
43. Bolt filter mount bracket to top, rear corner
of vertical cradle bracket.
- Tighten bolts.
44. Remove the two front plugs.
- Add Loctite® 545 Thread Sealant.
- Tighten the plugs back in place.
45. Remove plugs from back of reservoir.
46. Insert an oil return fitting in the left-side,
upper flange.
- Use Loctite® 545 Thread Sealant.
When installed,
the spout of the Pump Inlet Extension
must be angled up inside the tank.
Mark the outside rim, to identify the top.
47. Insert the Pump Inlet Extension in the
bottom, corner flange.
- Use Loctite® 545 Thread Sealant.
- Rotate and tighten the extension so the
mark, identifying that it is angled up, is to
the top.
48. Add the hydraulic fitting.
- Use Loctite® 545 Thread Sealant.