Convey-All™ warrants to the buyer that the new machinery is free from defects in material and
This warranty is only effective as to any new machinery which has not been altered, changed,
repaired or treated since its delivery to the buyer, other than by Convey-All™ or its authorized
dealers or employees, and does not apply to accessories, attachments, tools or parts, sold or
operated with new machinery, if they have not been manufactured by Convey-All™.
Convey-All™ shall only be liable for defects in the materials or workmanship attributable to
faulty material or bad workmanship that can be proved by the buyer, and specifically excludes
liability for repairs arising as a result of normal wear and tear of the new machinery or in any other
manner whatsoever, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, excludes application
or installation of parts not completed in accordance with Convey-All™ operator’s manual,
specifications, or printed instructions.
Written notice shall be given by registered mail, to Convey-All™ within seven (7) days
after the defect shall have become apparent or the repairs shall have become necessary,
addressed as follows:
Convey-All Industries Inc.
130 Canada Street
Winkler, Manitoba R6W 0J3
This warranty shall expire one (1) year after the date of delivery of the new machinery.
If these conditions are fulfilled, Convey-All™ shall at its own cost and at its own option either
repair or replace any defective parts provided that the buyer shall be responsible for all expenses
incurred as a result of repairs, labor, parts, transportation or any other work, unless Convey-All™
has authorized such expenses in advance.
The warranty shall not extend to any repairs, changes, alterations, or replacements made to the
new equipment other than by Convey-All™ or its authorized dealers or employees.
This warranty extents only to the original owner of the new equipment.
This warranty is limited to the terms stated herein and is in lieu of any other warranties whether
expressed or implied, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, excluded all warranties,
expressed or implied or conditions whether statutory or otherwise as to quality and fitness for any
purpose of the new equipment. Convey-All™ disclaims all liability for incidental or consequential
This machine is subject to design changes and Convey-All™ shall not be required to retrofit or
exchange items on previously sold units except at its own option.