BACnet object should be mapped to this BACnet object. The usual mandatory object
properties are included in each BACnet object found in the ValuPoint. There are
additional proprietary object properties defining the physical I/O or BACnet client map
You can configure the ValuPoint using any BACnet client capable of reading and writing
object properties. This process is streamlined in the ValuPoint configuration software
tool available for free download at
. The configuration tool provides
easy-to-use templates you fill in, and then click a ‘Write’ button to send multiple
properties to the ValuPoint at one time. Once configured, you can save your entire
configuration to an XML format file on your PC for later re-use. To replicate the same
configuration, simply load the XML file back into the configuration tool and click the
‘Write All’ button.
The ValuPoint configuration tool uses Control Solutions’ MTX002 USB to MS/TP port
adapter. The MTX002 allows connecting to MS/TP devices via the USB port on your PC.
The MTX002 is intended primarily as an aid in configuring Control Solutions devices,
but the tools do include general purpose BACnet object browsing capability usable with
any MS/TP device.
The MTX002 operates as an MS/TP client device on the network, reading and writing
properties in the device being configured as directed by the configuration tool
applicable to the product being configured. As a client, the MTX002 can also read/write
any standard BACnet properties in any MS/TP device using the BACnet diagnostic page
of the software tool available for free download on the support pages.
MTX002 USB to MS/TP Adapter
1.4 Warranty
This software and documentation is provided “as is,” without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
of fi tness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Control Solutions may make
improvements and/or changes in this documentation or in the product(s) and/or the
program(s) described in this documentation at any time. This product could include
1. Overview
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