TRP1000-4450 Troposcatter C-Band Outdoor Amplifier
Revision 0
Functional Description
Each TRP1000-4450 consists of a Comtech EF Data Solid-State Power Amplifier (SSPA)
module, a Monitor/Control Processor (MCP), Forward, Reflected, and Input RF Power monitoring,
a power supply, and thermal management system with heat sinks and cooling fans. The amplifier
features a proprietary Comtech EF Data low-loss combining technique and MCP-based
temperature-versus-gain compensation circuitry.
The Solid-State Advantage
The TRP1000-4450 is constructed entirely with solid-state devices, including the latest, high
reliability, high power density gallium nitride (GaN) transitors. SSPAs are known to exhibit much
longer lifetimes or mean time between failures (MTBF) than their tube based counterparts,
eliminating the frequent and expensive need for tube replacement and the associated out-of-
service operation loss.
High Efficiency
The advances in GaN technogoly utilized in the active transistors mentioned above also allow for
the best possible efficiency at these high power levels, reducing operating costs. Also, as the
user lowers output power according to operation needs, dc power consumption is also reduced
Enhanced Standard Features
The TRP1000-4450 comes equipped with useful features that other manufacturers offer only as
options. Included are temperature compensation, output sample port, forward, reverse and power
monitors, power factor corrected supply, and full remote monitor and control (M&C) capabilities
(including Ethernet).
Monitor and Control via Ethernet or Serial Communications
A user can monitor and control all critical parameters of the SSPA by multiple methods. A user
can use the Ethernet and the built in graphics user interface (GUI) interface, via serial
communications commands and responses, or manually by the front panel light emitting diode
(LED) interface menu and keypad.
Forward, Reverse, and Input Power Monitors
The TRP1000-4450 comes equipped with an output sample port, along with forward, reverse, and
input power monitors. The unit will shut itself off in case of excessive reflected power.