LBC-4000 L-Band Up/Down Converter System
Revision 6
Ethernet Interface Operation
System Account Access Information
fields can be any alphanumeric combination with a maximum length of 10 characters.
fields can be any alphanumeric combination with a maximum length of 10 characters.
Read Only Name
The factory default is: monitor
Read Only Password
The factory default is: 1234
Read/Write Name
The factory default is: opcenter
Read/Write Password
The factory default is: 1234
Admin Name
The factory default is: comtech
Admin Password
The factory default is: comtech
SMTP Server
Specify the mail server IP address from where you want to send the e-mail.
SMTP Domain Name
The Administrator can assign the SMTP Domain Name and Destination. This is
required if the e-mail feature of the ‘Home | Support’ page (Sect. is to be
Specify the domain of the e-mail server (usually found to the right of the @ symbol in
an e-mail address).
SMTP Destination
The Administrator can assign the SMTP Domain Name and Destination. This is
required if the e-mail feature of the ‘Home | Support’ page (Sect. is to be
Specify the e-mail recipient name (usually found to the left of the @ symbol in an e-
mail address).
[Submit Access]
to save any changes.
to revert to the previously assigned settings.
Webpage Timeout
To set an automatic timeout to safeguard access to an already logged-in unit, use the drop-down
list to set the time value as
5 minutes
8 hours
, and then click
The active session terminates if the unit remains idle (i.e., when no user activity occurs) beyond
the assigned Webpage Timeout. A valid user name and password is then required to resume the
HTTP Interface session.