Apex-0698-Part 2: Apex-trak
Part 2
Transfer Data To a PC Via a Communications Utility Program Other Than LinkMaster
Perform the following procedure on the PC and the Apex II.
1. If necessary, launch the communications utility to be used with Apex-Trak.
2. Assure the communications utility is ready for data transfer. Follow the procedures in the associated manual.
3. Check the setup of the communications utility program to assure that the computer port selected on the PC is
the same port that the cable coming from the Apex II is physically connected to.
4. From the Apex II Apex-Trak main menu, select A)sset Invent, I)tem Track, or P)hysical Invent.
The associated menu is displayed.
The RS-232 Upload screen is display-ed, prompting you to run LinkMaster or
another communications utility.
= = R S - 2 3 2 U p l o a d = =
L i n k M s t r = R u n n o w
O t h e r P r g m = P r e s s
A n y K e y
Q ) u i t
5. Assure the communications utility is ready for data transfer. Then press any key on the Apex II.
6. The Erase Data File screen is displayed.
E r a s e D a t a F i l e
D i d A L L t h e D a t a
T r a n s f e r ?
Y e s ( N o ) _
7. Leave the Erase Data File screen displayed for now. Follow the procedures in the communications utility
When you are sure the data successfully transferred the data to the PC and no longer need it on the Apex II,
select Yes on the Apex II Erase Data File screen. Otherwise, select no. The data can be erased later using the
procedure on page 26.
Transfer Data To a PC Via LinkMaster
Perform the following procedure on the PC and the Apex II.
1. Run the LinkMaster program on the PC.
If necessary, install [Linkmstr.exe]. To launch the LinkMaster program, type LinkMstr at the DOS prompt or
run the program from Windows
. The LinkMaster main menu (below) is displayed.
File Apex Setup
LinkMaster Utilities for the Apex II
Ver 1.0 Compsee Inc. 1995 <c>
This program provides a list of utilities to assist in using the Apex
handheld computer.
Please use your arrow keys to select a menu choice.